Like any good cycling addict, I want to ride my bike as much as possible. But this pesky thing called “a job” tends to take up most of my time. Well, here is one weird trick to ride your bike more. It’s called commuting. Okay, okay, that’s not a trick at all, but it’s an easy way to get more miles during the week, save money on gas, and be kind to the planet.
Even work-from-home folks can use a commuter bike. I’ve been trying to live my life more car-free, so I regularly bike to the grocery store, to restaurants, to the movie theater, and to pick up my son from school. Commuter bikes are awesome, and they don’t get enough coverage in bike media.
So I want to know: What does your commuter set-up look like? Let me know in the comments below, and post a photo if you have one!
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I began commuting by bike in 2018. Not only did I get into great shape, but I also felt like my head was clearer and my mood stayed elevated throughout the day.
It didn't take much to transition my SuperX from race mode to commuter mode.
Over time, my idea of the perfect commuter bike has evolved. I started out on a Cannondale SuperX SE. I planned to do several gravel races on this bike, so I thought it made sense to spend more time on it. I equipped it for daily riding, but after a year or so, I discovered that the SuperX had a few limitations as a commuter:
- I had to carry everything — my laptop, a change of clothes, and my lunch — in a backpack. Riding long distances with a heavy backpack sucks.
- I struggled to find clip-on front fenders that would actually keep me dry in the rain.
- In soft snow, the tires were too narrow and would sink in, forcing me to walk long sections of my commute in the winter.
- The slammed position eventually caught up to me, and my body started to hurt in weird places.
[product-block handle="2022-serial-1-rush-cty-speed-e-bike"/]
Earlier this year, I got the opportunity to test an interesting new commuter bike: the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Speed. Yeah, it’s an e-bike. I discovered that commuting by e-bike is really fun. It made towing a Burley trailer to and from my son’s school (it’s uphill both ways!) a whole lot easier. With front and rear racks, I could haul lots of groceries in panniers and the 2.4” tires did pretty well in the snow. Sadly, my time with the RUSH/CTY Speed has ended and now I’m on the hunt for a replacement.
[product-block handle="bombtrack-outlaw-bike-l-black-blue"/]
The grungy college singlespeeder in me wants a simple and burly steel bike like the belt-driven Bombtrack Outlaw. It looks cool and would require zero maintenance.
[product-block handle="2022-orbea-kemen-mid-suv-30-20mph-large-green"/]
But my practical dad brain is urging me to choose something more versatile like the Orbea Kemen Mid SUV.
I’m on the fence about choosing an e-bike vs. a non-e-bike. But I definitely don't want to commute on my race bike again. I think the must-haves for my next commuter bike are a rear rack, full-coverage fenders, super-wide tires, and a comfy, upright riding position.
Hopefully, you can give me some inspiration! Tell me about your commuter rig in the comments. Is it old or new, racy or practical, steel or carbon, acoustic or electric? Attach a photo if you can. You may see me copying you sometime in the near future.
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