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Specialized Romin Saddle

Shop the Specialized Romin saddle at TPC - The Pro's Closet. The Romin saddle is designed to perfectly accompany you on any ride, providing comfort and endurance.  Read our Specialized Romin Evo Pro Quick-take Review below.

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to be used.

2023 Specialized Romin Evo Pro Review - A TPC Quick-Take


The Specialized Romin Evo Pro is a high-end, curved-profile saddle designed for cyclists who prioritize comfort and performance. Known for its unique design and advanced features, it caters to riders seeking a low, aero riding position without sacrificing comfort. 



  • Mimic Technology: This innovation reduces soft tissue swelling, making it suitable for all cyclists.
  • Ergonomic Design: The saddle's slightly curved profile and long nose provide excellent support, particularly in aggressive riding positions.
  • Various Widths Available: The Romin comes in multiple widths to accommodate different body types. (155mm / 143mm)
  • Lightweight: The saddle maintains a competitive weight range, enhancing bike performance.
  • Quality Build: Known for its durability and high-quality materials.


  • Limited Positioning Flexibility: Its specific shape may not be ideal for riders who frequently adjust their position on the saddle.
  • Price: As a higher-end saddle, it might be on the spendy side for some budgets.

Bottom Line

The Specialized Romin Evo Pro Saddle stands out for its comfort, ergonomic design, and innovative Mimic technology. It's an excellent choice for cyclists seeking a saddle that supports long rides and aggressive positions. While its shape might limit positioning flexibility, its overall performance and quality build make it a worthy investment for serious cyclists. This saddle is a testament to Specialized's commitment to combining comfort and performance in cycling gear.